
Cornelius Tiebout Engravings

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Part 4. Biblical Illustrations

Think of engraving in early national America as comparable, in importance and influence, to digital imaging in modern America. Engravings were especially important in Bibles. At the time of the American revolution, most Bibles in America had been published in England, but after the war, efforts were made to reduce that dependence. "Importation from England was stopped," writes Earl L. Bradsher, "and for a considerable period America was thrown on her own resources." (From Mathew Carey, Editor, Author and Publisher: A Study in American Literary Development, New York, 1966, p. 30.)

The publishing of Bibles for which Cornelius Tiebout engraved illustrations can be summarised by the phrase, "Mathew Carey and the American Bible Flood" in David Daniell's The Bible in English: Its History and Influence (Yale University Press, 2003, Chapter 35). On page 629, Daniell concludes that "Mathew Carey's output of fine Bibles was the most significant thing about him as an American figure." For Carey's overall success as a publisher, see Mathew Carey (Wikipedia).

Tiebout's three earliest Bible illustrations appeared in 1792, followed by five more in 1796. Thereafter, most of his illustrations are found in the "flood" of Mathew Carey Bibles, published in 1801, 1803, 1804, 1805 (two), 1806, 1810, 1812, 1814, and 1816.

The Last Supper
The Last Supper, engraved by Cornelius Tiebout

It is possible, by searching surnames in an online version of Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan's List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures…Previous to 1860 to estimate the number of illustrations by individual engravers, with results such as these:

Cornelius Tiebout, 66 ("Tiebout" occurs an additional five times, but these are for publisher John Tiebout.)
Joseph H. Seymour, 55
Benjamin Tanner, 35
Peter Maverick, 27
Francis Kearny (Kearney), 24
John Boyd, 14
Amos Doolittle, 12
William S. Leney, 5
David Edwin, 3

Several of Tiebout's illustrations (and those of other engravers) appear in more than one Bible. Also, in some of the Bibles, some of the illustrations are not signed, and it seems likely that some of these were Tiebout's work. To further cloud the counting, some Carey Bibles had more than one edition in which some of the printings did not include illustrations.

O'Callaghan's list includes the following Biblical illustrations by Tiebout and total counts of all illustrations, signed and unsigned.

1792: John Brown's Bible
Moses before the burning bush (1790)
Sampson Killing the Lion (1790)
Elijah and Elisha
* Total number of illustrations: 18, by 6 signed engravers, all marked, "Engraved for the American Edition of Brown's Family Bible."

1796: Jacob R. Berriman's Bible
Hagar in the Wilderness
The Egyptian Midwives drowning the Male Children of the Hebrews
Gideon's Sacrifice
Delilah cutting off Sampson's hair
Daniel in the Lions' Den
* Total number of illustrations: 16, by 5 signed engravers.

1801: a Mathew Carey Bible
Abel offering Sacrifice
David playing on the Harp
Shepherds worshipping the Infant (1800)
The Resurrection
The Good Samaritan (etched by James Akin)
* Total number of illustrations: 9, by 2 signed engravers

1803: a Mathew Carey Bible
John the Baptist sending his disciples to Jesus Christ
The Last Supper
The Miracle at the pool of Bethesda
The Jews demanding of Jesus if he were the Messiah
The Resurrection of Lazarus
* Total number of illustrations: 30, by 7 signed engravers

1804: a Mathew Carey Bible
Joseph discovering himself to his brethren
Obadiah concealing the Prophets
Fourth Vision of Daniel
St. Matthew
The Magi offering gifts to the Saviour
Christ curing the Centurion's servant
The disciples shewing the Temple to our Saviour
The punishment of the useless servant
Judas treating with the Scribes and Pharisees
The Evangelist S. Mark
Christ healing the Woman who touched his garment
The Evangelist S. Luke
The Annunciation
The cure of the Ten Lepers
The Evangelist S. John
Our Saviour washing the disciples' feet
The lame man cured by St. Peter
* Total number of illustrations: 20, by 1 signed engraver (2 unsigned) all marked, "Engraved for M. Carey's Family bible."

1805: a Mathew Carey Bible (Catholic)
Our Saviour in the Temple
Miracle of Bethesda
* Total number of illustrations: 11, by 3 signed engravers (4 unsigned).

1805: a Mathew Carey Bible
The Finding of Moses
Hagar in the desert
David playing on the Harp
The Broad way to destruction
The Good Samaritan
* Total number of illustrations: 30, by 3 signed engravers (18 unsigned); all had been previously published in Carey's Bibles.

1806: a Mathew Carey Bible
John the Baptist sending his disciples to Christ
The Last Supper
The Miracle at the pool of Bethesda
The Woman caught in adultery
The Jews demanding of Jesus if he were the Messiah
The Resurrection of Lazarus
* Total number of illustrations: 30, by 3 signed engravers (17 unsigned); all had been previously published by in Carey's Bibles.

1807: Collins's Quarto Bible (New York)
St. Paul
* Total number of illustrations: 12, by 8 signed engravers; all showing at the top, "Engraved for Collins's Quarto Bible, Second Edition."

1810: a Mathew Carey Bible
Joseph discovering himself to his brethren
Fourth vision of Daniel
St. Matthew
Magi offering gifts
Christ curing the Centurion's servant
The Disciples shewing the Temple
Punishment of the useless servant
Judas treating with the Scribes & Pharisees
St. Mark
S. Luke
Cure of the Ten Lepers
* Total number of illustrations: 20, by 1 signed engraver (8 unsigned); all previously used in Carey's 1804 Bible.

1812: a Mathew Carey Bible
Our Saviour in the Temple
John the Baptist sending his disciples to our Saviour
The Miracle at the pool of Bethesda
The Woman caught in Adultery
Total number of illustrations: 25, by 4 signed engravers (15 unsigned).

1814: a Mathew Carey Bible
The Annunciation
Our Saviour in the Temple
John the Baptist sending his disciples to our Saviour
The Miracle at the pool of Bethesda (frontispiece, plate 1)
* Total number of illustrations: 25, by 3 signed engravers (18 unsigned).

1816: Collins's Stereotype Edition
24 engravings, including "St. Paul", engraved for Collins's Quarto Bible, 4th ed. by Tiebout & Maverick

1816: a Mathew Carey Bible
70 engravings, including only one by Tiebout: The Miracle at the Pool of Bethesda

1823: Kimber & Sharpless Stereotype Edition, Philadelphia
30 engravings, including "St. Paul", by Tiebout & Maverick, [engraved for] Kimber & Sharpless' Quarto Bible

And Jesus Said
"And Jesus said unto his disciples"

It is interesting to compare Tiebout's engravings with the Mathew Carey account books, which are preserved by the American Antiquarian Society. See GIGI: AAS Digital Image Archive; a sampling of accounts. Following is an incomplete list of Tiebout accounts for engravings and copper plates, etc., including costs. The value of $1 in 1795 and for the remainder of Tiebout's life (1832) was about $24.00, in comparison with the value of $1 in 2023; see Value of $1. For example, the cost of a $2.50 copper plate as appears in the table below would be roughly $60.00 in 2023, and Tiebout's income of $50.00 for an engraving had about the same purchasing power as $1200 in 2023.

Date Title (as abbreviated by Tiebout) Cost (dollars) GIGI filename and tif extension
19 Aug 1800 Nativity 50 271315_b08_f14 .0002
19 Aug 1800 David 50 271315_b08_f14 .0002
19 Aug 1800 Resurrection 50 271315_b08_f14 .0002
19 Aug 1800 Cain & Able [sic] 50 271315_b08_f14 .0002
26 Sep 1802 Prophets 50 271315_b09_f06 .0017
26 Sep 1802 Christ before Pilate 50 271315_b09_f06 .0017
26 Sep 1802 Adam & Eve 50 271315_b09_f06 .0017
22 Jan 1803 Christ & the Doctors 25 271315_b09_f06 .0017
22 Jan 1803 restoring the blind Man's sight 25 271315_b09_f06 .0017
22 Jan 1803 [restoring] Presenting gifts 25 271315_b09_f06 .0017
22 Jan 1803 [restoring] little Children &c 25 271315_b09_f06 .0017
undated Adam & Eve 25 271315_b09_f06 .0018
undated Finding of Moses 25 271315_b09_f06 .0018
undated Christ before Pilate 25 271315_b09_f06 .0018
undated Six of the Prophets 25 271315_b09_f06 .0018
undated The flight into Egypt 25 271315_b09_f06 .0018
18 Apr 1803 The Blind Man &c 25 271315_b09_f11 .0004
18 Apr 1803 Casting out Devils 25 271315_b09_f11 .0004
18 Apr 1803 Christ before Pilate 25 271315_b09_f11 .0004
18 Apr 1803 Minor Prophets 25 271315_b09_f11 .0004
18 Apr 1803 The Doctors 25 271315_b09_f11 .0004
18 Apr 1803 finding of Moses 25 271315_b09_f11 .0004
18 Apr 1803 Little Children 25 271315_b09_f11 .0004
18 Apr 1803 Little Children (repeated) 25 271315_b09_f11 .0004
18 Apr 1803 Flight into Egypt 25 271315_b09_f11 .0004
13 Jan 1803 St. Mark 50 271315_b09_f15 .0024
13 Jan 1803 St. John 50 271315_b09_f15 .0024
13 Jan 1803 Samuel &c 60 271315_b09_f15 .0024
13 Jan 1803 three pieces of Copper 9 271315_b09_f15 .0024
8 Jul 1803 The Last Supper 75 271315_b09_f15 .0024
8 Jul 1803 St. John in Prison 60 271315_b09_f15 .0024
8 Jul 1803 Pool of Bethesda 60 271315_b09_f15 .0024
8 Jul 1803 Resurrection of Lazarus 60 271315_b09_f15 .0024
8 Jul 1803 Christ teaching 60 271315_b09_f15 .0024
8 Jul 1803 five Pieces of Copper at $2.50 12.50 271315_b09_f15 .0024
16 Sep 1803 Woman taken in adultery 65 271315_b09_f15 .0023
16 Sep 1803 Mote 50 271315_b09_f15 .0023
16 Sep 1803 Anointing of David 65 271315_b09_f15 .0023
16 Sep 1803 Good Samaritan 50 271315_b09_f15 .0023
16 Sep 1803 Job 50 271315_b09_f15 .0023
16 Sep 1803 five pieces of Copper 12.50 271315_b09_f15 .0023
12 Dec 1803 The Centurion 68 271315_b12_f13 .0021
13 Mar 1804 Annunciation 58 271315_b12_f13 .0021
13 Mar 1804 Christ before the Temple 53 271315_b12_f13 .0021
13 Mar 1804 St. Matthew 53 271315_b12_f13 .0021
10 Apr 1804 Abdias (Obadiah) 53 271315_b12_f13 .0021
10 Apr 1804 St. Peter healing the Cripple 63 271315_b12_f13 .0021
10 Apr 1804 Christ and the Apostles 58 271315_b12_f13 .0021
10 Apr 1804 Christ &c 63 271315_b12_f13 .0021
10 Apr 1804 5 P Engravings & Copper 300 271315_b12_f13 .0021
22 May 1804 St. John in the Wilderness 63 271315_b12_f13 .0021
22 May 1804 St. Joseph & his Bretheren 58 271315_b12_f13 .0021
22 May 1804 Judas 63 271315_b12_f13 .0021
22 May 1804 Presenting Gifts 63 271315_b12_f13 .0021
10 Apr 1804 Abdias &c 60 271315_b10_f13 .0005
10 Apr 1804 St. Peter &c 60 271315_b10_f13 .0005
10 Apr 1804 Christ & the Apostles 55 271315_b10_f13 .0005
10 Apr 1804 Thy faith hath made thee whole 60 271315_b10_f13 .0005
10 Apr 1804 Copper 12 271315_b10_f13 .0005
(undated) Christ before the Temple 50 271315_b10_f13 .0005
(undated) Centurion 65 271315_b10_f13 .0005
(undated) St. Matthew 50 271315_b10_f13 .0005
(undated) Annunciation 55 271315_b10_f13 .0005
12 Dec 1803 Engraving three Plates for the Bible 169.45 271315_b11_f08 .0007
13 Mar 1804 [Engraving] four Plates valued at 232 271315_b11_f08 .0007
10 Apr 1804 [Engraving] four plates 247 271315_b11_f08 .0007
22 May 1804 [Engraving] five Plates 300 271315_b11_f08 .0007
11 Jul 1804 [Engraving] four Plates 247 271315_b11_f08 .0007

The above table appears to include several duplicate records (e.g., b10_f13 .0005 and b12_f13 .0021) up to 1805. After that, Tiebout restored or polished several used engravings for further printing, and he also produced new engravings. For example, the page indexed as b14_f05 .0025 records for 9 Oct 1808 Carey's payments to Tiebout for engravings of "Judgment of Solomon", "Baptism of Christ", and "Elijah & the angel", each at a cost of $60. An exceptional engraving in this collection is "The Holy Family", which appeared in The Port Folio [magazine], New Series, vol. 7, Philadelphia, March 1812. For more about this magazine and engraving, see Part 18.

Quite aside from the Mathew Carey account books sampled above are several letters from Cornelius Tiebout to Carey, preserved by The Historical Society of Pennsylvania in Collection 227B: Lea & Febigers Records. A copy of a representative of these letters, from Box 50, appears in the first image in the carousel just below.

Letter, 25 Sep 1804 Account, 19 August 1803 Account, 12 Dec. 1803 Account, 20 Feb. 1807 Moses before the burning bush Samson Killing the Lion Elijsh and Elisha Hagar in the Wilderness Gideon's Sacrifice Delilah after cutting off Samson's Hair The Prophet Daniel in the Lion's Den Abel offering Sacrifce, 1801 David playing on the Harp, 1801 Shepherds worshipping the Infant, 1801 The good Samaritan, etched by James Akin, 1801 The Resurrection, 1801 A certain man was there After that he poured water And Jesus said to the Centurion And Jesus said unto his disciples And Jesus said unto the woman And John calling unto him And Joseph said unto his brethren And Judas Iscariot said The Last Supper And the Angel came in unto Mary And they came with haste Baptism of Jesus Christ But Jesus said suffer little children Cast ye the unprofitable servant The Miracle at Bethesda The Resurrection of Lazarus But Peter said For it was so when Jezebel He anointed the eyes of the blind In those days came John the Baptist John the Baptist sending Now when the even was come The Finding of Moses The Annunciation The Annunciation - restrike 1860s. The Evangelist S. Matthew The Evangelist S. Mark The Evangelist S. Luke The Evangelist S. John St. Paul The Holy Family The wise men fell down and worshipped Then came Jesus & said Then I Daniel looked and behold There met him ten men The Jews demanding of Jesus They saw the young child When he arose he took Whoso shall receive one such little Child The Good Samaritan